Wednesday 13 January 2010

Failed society

I've been wanting to write something new for the past week or so, I kept thinking about writing something about straight edge, but It's been so cold I can't even think about that. So instead I have something that I saw that I thought if read might make people think (pics below). The best way to make people see injustice, and what exactly is wrong with something you disagree with is to word your argument correctly when you're aiming it at people who couldn't give a shit. If its worded correctly, they should have no sensible come back. There usual reaction is to insult you, and your beliefs in the most derogatory way. Which usually shows most for the ignorant narrow minded bigots they are (its just a shame so many people think this way), and should also make the most liberal people question what they are doing and believe. In order to change things people have to stop preaching to the converted. There is no point in playing fundraiser gigs to raise awareness to just a group of your mates who already think the same way as you. Things need to become more forward, and the messages needs to be spread surely, thickly, and quickly. Apathy has a hold of so many.

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