Saturday 2 January 2010

Love is...

"Ignorance is not bliss, it is oblivion"

Now follows a spew of brain juice.

The above becomes ever clearer by the day, and I lose faith in the world.
I want to get up and do something productive, stand up, stand out, but then I see the apathy of the majority, and any hope for things to change are quashed.
Modern life is apathy, it is empty, pointless and ignorant of what surrounds it.
I am no better than all I hate as I do nothing to make a physical change.
I believe so strongly for and against so much and yet do nothing.
Why am I vegan?
It would not only be selfish of me to believe I should be able to eat meat, but ignorant, and cruel.
Allowing something to be murdered when there is a perfectly good alternative. There is no reason to eat meat. So what if you like the taste?? So what? Anyone who says they love animals cannot eat them!
To believe you have more right on the planet to live is arrogant. Why do you believe you are superior? Why do you have the right to have something killed for your food, for your drink, to wear as a pair of shoes or a coat?
Every being on the planet is equal, we all bleed the same colour, we all love, we all feel pain, we all feel fear.
There is no difference in my eyes in the mass enslavement of animals for food etc, than in human slavery and exploitation.
Working animals and exploited and used just as child labourers in sweat shops.
And just as millions were born into slavery to work in be it egypt or the cotton fields of the so called 'free' americas (where you still die if you cant afford your basic diabetes medication), animals are born to die for our own greed and gluttony.

Why I don't believe in testing on animals?
Most people agree it is wrong that companies should test on animals for beauty products etc, but then do a u-turn on what they just said when it comes to for medical reasons.
There usual reply is usually that if it helps us to fight against cancer 'n' stuff its ok.
Why? Why does that make it ok??
So you believe we have more right to a good life than a dog or a rabbit?
Why do the majority form this opinion? This still puzzles me greatly. As I cannot even comprhend eating an animal. If there are alternatives (let alone the fact that I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing something had been killed for me). When did we as humans begin to believe we were 'in charge' of the world, and it was ours to destroy for our own 'progression'.
Animal testing is only done cos it is cheaper than the alternative, and as usual, companies are cutting corners, so they can rip people off with their over priced patented medicines which they then refuse to give away to people who really need them.
If these companies truly cared about saving lives drugs would be free. It is all about profit. Thousands die from cureable diseases. Thousands die from starvation that doesn't need to happen. There is enough for everybody, and a vegan diet is also far more sustainable.

*This is all straight from my head to the page - no editing - my arguments are not very bulked up, or elaborated on yet, but this is the begining, this is also to answer my own questions in an attempt understand the world, and figure out what I need to do*

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