Friday 18 June 2010

Melting Pot

"There are two types of direct action, inward direct action involves developing a deeper maturity and losing one's anthropocentric view. Outward direct action can take the form of monkey wrenching, protest, civil disobedience or the planting of a tree. There is no sharp break between inward and outward direct action and both are guided by one unyielding principle: nonviolence. Direct action is the realization that we cannot turn away and ignore the earth's problems, we must do something. Everything is inter-connected. by protecting the rain forest we are protecting ourselves, and so by taking direct action one expresses the utmost love for the planet and its inhabitants... Action is the goal, and action itself must be the truth, its own defense, and its own purpose"

(Quote cut from The Philosophy of Punk: More than noise)

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