Tuesday 9 March 2010

Same Shit, Different Day

*A little similar in content to my last post.
But it's something that continues to bug me as every day I'm hearing the same shit*

Mere shouting outside places, and throwing stuff at windows/politicans is not enough.
As I'm seeing non-stop at the moment, people who shout, or 'kick up a fuss' are just being brushed aside, rubbished, and ignored as left wing loonies. Even by the most liberal or apathetic out there, who are usually on everybody or nobodys 'side'.
They are labelled as; Naive, idealistic, uninformed, unrealistic, crusty hippies, and told to get with the 'real world', and just accept it.
This is usually followed by why don't you go live in China or North Korea and see how much you like it...
This should be a opportunity to prove to people that there is a point, for people to actually get there voices heard, and show that we are not all 'middle class art students', as I keep seeing protesters labelled as.

Maybe some type of alternative mass meeting is needed? To try and make people question why they are accepting this current 'democratic' system, to highlight what many are not being shown through the normal media channels .
We should be taking back democracy. It was put in place for us the people, to have our voices heard.
To allow us to not be controlled by the ones with the most money and power.
There is no point in everyone wasting there votes with a 'Vote Nobody' ballot, because right wing fringe partys are not doing this. They are taking full advantage of disillusioned people for their own benefit.
We should not be standing by letting them steal working class votes with lies, and racist propaganda.

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