Wednesday 23 June 2010

For sobriety

“When a slave was drunk, the slaveholder had no fear that he would plan an insurrection…. It was the sober, thinking slave who was dangerous, and needed the vigilance of his master to keep him a slave.” -Frederick Douglas

Friday 18 June 2010

Melting Pot

"There are two types of direct action, inward direct action involves developing a deeper maturity and losing one's anthropocentric view. Outward direct action can take the form of monkey wrenching, protest, civil disobedience or the planting of a tree. There is no sharp break between inward and outward direct action and both are guided by one unyielding principle: nonviolence. Direct action is the realization that we cannot turn away and ignore the earth's problems, we must do something. Everything is inter-connected. by protecting the rain forest we are protecting ourselves, and so by taking direct action one expresses the utmost love for the planet and its inhabitants... Action is the goal, and action itself must be the truth, its own defense, and its own purpose"

(Quote cut from The Philosophy of Punk: More than noise)

Thursday 17 June 2010

Back to the board

"I have never come to terms with the idea that I am 'part of society' and should construct my actions to suit the prevailing moods of conformity, acceptance and achievement. Closed by the rigorous mind training of school and media, the mass mentality of western culture revolves around upholding the past to attempt to secure the future, whilst suffering the present as beyond its control, 'safe' in the hands of government who feed the present to the masses as a product of technological/material/industrial progress"

Dick Lucas (Subhumans/Citizen Fish)

Thursday 1 April 2010

Beware/Be aware of Police brutality

A year ago today Ian Tomlinson died after being hit by a police man who had removed his numbers so he couldn't be identified.
Still no one has been held accountable for his death.
Immediately following this the police were quick to blame protesters for his death, saying they were hindering Tomlinson treatment, and they also claimed to of had no involvement, this was all quickly proved fabricated and lies, as video footage emerged. Clearly showing the policemen lunging out of the lines to for no reason assault Tomlison as he was walking away, with hands in pockets.

A policemen was cleared this week of assaulting a women at a protest following his death, despite there again being footage proving that the police were using excessive force when completely unnecessary.
For some reason slapping a women around the face and then hitting her with a baton for shouting is deemed 'reasonable force'.

I've seen this so much recently after protests, people accused of being aggressive or intimidating, and this justifying the presence of such large numbers of riot police, and then them arresting people. How much of a threat is a women shouting to a line of tooled up armoured (sometimes on horseback to) trained riot police...?

If a protester was to shove a policemen, and claim 'self defence' when questioned, they would of been charged instantly.
The justice system is meant to be for the people. The police there to protect.
Our human right to be able to voice our concerns and show are disapproval of subjects that affect us and the world as a whole are slowly being taken away.
More and more ridiculous laws are being put into place to stifle our right to protest, which in turn are allowing dodgy companies and industries to do as they please (and line the pockets of the government and bankers), without consultation of the public.

You would hope that with all this video footage that is now available after protests that things like this wouldn't be so easy for the police to get away with (they can't take away or break every ones cameras).
This evidence is being overlooked and rejected by judges and courts. It seems that a major problem is that the courts are against the people, we will always being in 2nd place when its us Vs them in court.

In America Oscar Grant was shot dead at point blank range in the back while being pinned face down on the floor.
This again was caught by multiple peoples mobile phones on a busy train station platform, this is one of few such case that have made it to trail, the policemen is awaiting trial for murder. His defence he thought his gun was a tazer...
It is clear from the videos not even a tazer was necessary with so many police on one person.

How can these injustices continue, these are the times we should be sitting up and taking notice. We have a right to protest, and even a right to protest, or challenge the reasons sometimes given when police attempt to arrest you for ridiculous reasons, or supposed 'crimes'.
We need to be letting everyone know that these things are happening constantly, and we have to stop them if we want to remain 'free'.

**Video footage of all these incidents can be seen on you-tube**

Never Forgive. Never Forget.

Jean Charles de Menezes
Killed by two point blank range shots to the head on a London tube, after a police mix up that lead to him falsely being identified as a terrorist suspect.

Friday 19 March 2010


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed, its the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead

Thursday 18 March 2010

'His' story

Maybe it is time to take a look at the past and lead by example?
You can see what was done right and what was done wrong, and in turn see what lessons can be learned from it all.
We fought to get the vote I honestly don't believe it should be thrown away so easily.

The current system is a joke, with politicians seemingly only becoming politicians for purely selfish reasons (that extra house for members of parliament and the associated perks).
Something has to be done to change it, and soon. The power needs to be taken back!
It is not up to governments and councils to decide what happens without consultation. They are meant to be there for the people, to make sure are voices are heard in this world being over-run and dominated by just a few companies, and billionaires.
They should be asking us what we want, and then acting on it.
Not taking money from fat cat multinationals to carry out there dirty work, to increase their profits, and keep the 'little people' under control, so they can use them to work for next to nothing in their fields and factories.
Governments for the masses not the few!

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Reason to fight!

There seems to be this assumption that protesters are all unemployed, on benefits, crusty, unwashed, squatter, drug takers.
For one if your off your face you're not going to get much done, and protesters come in all shapes and forms....
Action is necessary for change in so many instances.
I didn't believe it when they said Hitler comes into nearly all online debates on QI but its actual true :s
Breaking the law is not always a bad thing.
There were many 'laws' that people broke in Nazi Germany that were necessary to fight fascism. People of all political beliefs (anarchists, communists, socialists, different religions) all joined together to fight against what they saw were unjust laws.
People need to stand up to the things they see as unjust in society, in every aspect of life. Some people are talkers, some are fighters, others mere supporters, but everyone is a step in the right direction for positive change for all people.